Category: Projects Related to Palm OS PDAs

Installing POSE (Palm OS Emulator) on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (64-Bit)

Published on: 2019-06-12

The latest POSE deb package is broken, so we need a replacement. A Reddit user provided a hint that you can easily unpack .rpm files meant for Suse Linux and simply run the extracted executable. And this works.

Just get "pose-3.5-2.i386.rpm" from
and extract the .rpm file.

If the file is not available, you can download it also from here: pose-3.5.2.i386.rpm

You will get "opt" and "usr" directories. You only need to copy the included files into the corresponding paths on your machine:

sudo rsync -av opt /
sudo rsync -av usr /

Before you are able to start POSE with a simple "pose" command, install "libxext6:i386" via apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libxext6:i386

If the package is not available, you can download it also from here: libxext6_1.3.3-1_i386.deb

Then run "pose" in your terminal or create a starter with this command.

If you want to have a skin other than the default one, just download "pose-skins-1.9-1.noarch.rpm" from
extract it and "install" it with:

sudo rsync -av usr /

You should now have a nice Palm OS Emulator:

Sometimes logging can be very helpful. You can enable it via the context menu of your POSE (just right-click on the "screen") and select "Settings" -> "Logging...". The logging file is stored in your home folder after POSE is closed.

By the way: If you have an old Palm device lying around but you don't want to extract the ROM file from this device, just search for "mypalm roms" on Google - and don't be scared of Russian websites.